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Identification natural amethyst

2023/6/3 0:17:04      279 Times

Naturally produced amethyst forms a beautiful purple color due to minerals such as iron and manganese. The main colors are lavender, purple, deep red, bright red, deep purple, blue purple and other colors. Deep purple and bright red are the best. Pale purple is more common.

Natural amethyst usually has natural ice cracks or white cloud impurities. Amethyst with gem value is produced in crystal caves of volcanic rock, pegmatite, or limestone and shale.

Amethyst is widely distributed in nature. The main producing areas are Brazil, Russia, South Africa, and Madagascar. Among them, the amethyst produced in the Minas Gerais pegmatite deposit in Brazil is famous for its high quality.

Generally, most of the amethyst caves produced in Brazil are mountain-shaped amethyst caves, which can be cut into two parts to become a highly ornamental amethyst cave decoration. The amethyst produced in Uruguay is mostly block-shaped, darker and purple in color, and the particles are smaller, which is more suitable for carving into various breathtaking amethyst jewelry.